95 Foods That Start With S [Updated 2025]

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foods that start with s
There are many foods that start with S and luckily, we found about 95 of them for you.

This article is about foods that start with S.

If you’ve had trouble knowing foods that start with S, even though there are many, we did the research – worry not, the list below will have all the foods that start with S.

Also, before getting started, it is to keep in mind that the list we have below will have foods, fluids, plants, and anything edible – all of these we will be referring to as foods in this article.

We also have pages for both fruits that start with S and vegetables that start with S if that’s what you’re looking for.

With that being said, let’s get started with sharing foods beginning with S.

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Foods that start with S:

foods that start with S

Following are the foods beginning with S in case you’ve had no idea and wanted to educate yourself more on foods and edibles.

1 – Sabayon:

Sabayon is a light custard-like dessert that is served chilled or hot.

2 – Saccharin:

Saccharin is a crystalline substance that is used as calorie-free sweetener and is 500 times sweeter than sugar.

3 – Saddle:

Saddle is a term used for cut of meat of lamb or mutton that consists of part of the backbone.

4 – Safflower Oil:

Safflower oil is an oil that is extracted from the seeds of safflower and is used in medicines and as a food as well.

5 – Saffron:

Saffron is a dried pungent stigma of the saffron crocus.

6 – Sage:

Sage are aromatic, fresh leaves that are used for seasoning of meats.

7 – Sailfish:

Sailfish is a saltwater fish that has a lean meat.

This is another one of many foods that start with S.

8 – Sake:

If you’ve been to Japan, you might know this one.

Sake is an alcoholic beverage in Japan that is made from fermented rice and is served hot.

9 – Salad:

Salad is a term used for arrangement of mixture of different foods on a plate, mostly vegetables.

10 – Salad Burnet:

Salad burnet is a plant that has purple-tinged leaves and is added to salads.

11 – Salami:

Salami is a fatty sausage of beef and pork, usually dried.

12 – Salmagundi:

Just like salad, salmagundi is an arrangement of cooked meats, eggs, and vegetables around the plate.

13 – Salmis:

When a roast or sautéed piece of meat is sliced and reheated in sauce, the result is a salmis.

14 – Salmon:

Salmon is a flesh of various freshwater or marine fishes that belong to the family of Salmonidae.

15 – Salsa:

Salsa is a spicy sauce used in Mexican foods that is made of tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers.

16 – Salsify:

Salsify an edible root of salsify plant.

17 – Salt:

Salt is a crystalline form of sodium chloride that is white in color and is used for seasoning and preserving foods.

18 – Saltine:

Saltine is a cracker that is sprinkled with salt before baking.

19 – Sambuca:

Sambuca is an Italian liquid made from elderberries.

20 – Samosa:

Samosa is a triangle-shaped food filled with vegetables and meat that is served hot.

21 – Sandwich:

Sandwich is a term used for 2 or more slices of bread that has a filling in between them.

This is another food beginning with S.

22 – Sangria:

Sangria is a sweetened red wine and lemon juice (or orange juice) with soda water.

23 – Sapodilla:

Sapodilla is a tropical fruit that has a rough brownish skin and sweet brownish pulp.

24 – Sapsago:

Sapsago is a Swiss cheese that is made of skim-milk curd and is flavored with clover.

25 – Sardine:

Sardine is a small fatty fish, usually canned.

26 – Sarsaparilla:

Sarsaparilla is a carbonated drink that is flavored with an extract from sarsaparilla root.

27 – Sashimi:

Sashimi is a very thinly sliced raw fish.

28 – Saskatoon:

Saskatoon are edible red or purple berries.

This is another one of many foods beginning with S.

29 – Satsuma:

Satsuma is one of many varieties of mandarin oranges.

30 – Sauce:

Sauce is a flavorful topping to accompany food.

31 – Sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut is a shredded cabbage fermented in brine.

32 – Sausage:

Sausage is a highly seasoned minced meat.

33 – Savarin:

Savarin is a sponge cake that is baked in a ring mold.

34 – Saveloy:

Saveloy is a pork sausage that is ready-cooked.

35 – Savoy cabbage:

Savoy cabbage is a cabbage with the head of soft crinkly leaves.

36 – Sazerac:

Sazerac is a cocktail made of bourbon, pernod, bitters, and sugar that is then served with lemon peel.

37 – Scallion:

Scallion is a young onion that is eaten in salad.

38 – Scallop:

Scallop is an edible muscle of mollusks that is eaten in salads or cream sauces.

39 – Scampi:

Scampi is a large shrimp that is sautéed in butter or oil and garlic.

40 – Scarlet Runner:

Scarlet runner are long bean pods that are sliced into half-inch length.

41 – Schnecken:

Schnecken is a rolled dough spread with nuts and sugar.

42 – Schnitzel:

Schnitzel are a breaded veal cutlets that are deeply fried.

43 – Schrod:

Schrod is a flesh of young Atlantic cod, a fish, that weighs up to 2 pounds.

44 – Scone:

Scone is a biscuit filled with cream and chocolate that is cut into diamonds and sticks.

45 – Scorzonera:

Scorzonera is a long black salsify.

46 – Scouse:

Scouse is a stew of vegetables and meat that is eaten by sailors.

47 – Scrag:

Scrag is the lean end of the neck of veal.

48 – Scratch:

Scratch is a dry mash used in poultry farms.

49 – Scrumpy:

Scrumpy is a strong cider like that of made in western England.

50 – Scup             :

Scup is a flesh of fishes that are found in cold water of north Atlantic coast of US.

51 – Scuppernong:

Scuppernong is a muscadine grape of southeastern US.

52 – Seafood:

Seafood is a term used for edible freshwater fish, shellfish, roe, etc.

53 – Seasoner:

Seasoner can be anything that is added to the food to make it taste better.

54 – Seckel:

Seckel is a small pear that is yellowish or reddish-brown in color.

55 – Seedcake:

Seedcake is a cake that is sweet, flavored with sesame seeds and lemon.

56 – Semolina:

Semolina is a milled product of wheat that is used in pasta.

57 – Serviceberry:

Servicerberry are edible red or purple berries.

58 – Seville Orange:

Seville orange is a highly acidic orange that is especially used in marmalade.

This is another one of many foods that start with S.

59 – Shad:

Shad is herring-like food fish that is caught during migration to the sea.

60 – Shadberry:

Shadberry are berries that are edible and purple or red in color.

61 – Shaddock:

Shaddock is a pear-like fruit similar to grapefruit but is quite large.

62 – Shake:

Shake a drink of milk with flavors or fruits (or even ice cream.)

63 – Shallot:

Shallot is a small onion or garlic-like food that is used for seasoning.

64 – Shank:

Shank is a cut of meat from the upper part of the leg.

65 – Shellfish:

Shellfish is an invertebrate that has a soft body and is enclosed in a shell.

66 – Sherbet:

Sherbet is a frozen dessert that is made of sugar, fruit juice, and sometimes milk as well.

67 – Shortbread:

Shortbread is a thick butter cookie.

68 – Shortcake:

Shortcake is a very small biscuit dough baked as individual biscuits.

69 – Shrimps:

Shrimps are any of the different edible decapod crustaceans.

This is one popular food that starts with S.

70 – Sieva Bean:

Sieva beans are edible and flat green beans like that of lima beans.

71 – Sinker:

Sinker is a small ring-shaped fried cake.

72 – Sirup (Syrup):

Sirup or syrup is a very thick sweet sticky fluid.

73 – Skilly:

Skilly is the soup or porridge made of water and oatmeal flavored with meat.

74 – Slaw:

Slaw is a shredded cabbage.

75 – Sloe:

Sloe is a small, dark purple fruit that isn’t known by most people.

76 – Smelt:

Smelt is a small, silvery cold-water fish.

77 – Smoothie:

Smoothie is a thick fluid that is made of fresh fruit, yogurt or milk, pureed with ice cream.

78 – Snack:

Snack is a term used for light informal meal.

79 – Snail:

Snail is a gastropod mollusk enclosed in a spiral shell.

80 – Snow Pea:

Snow peas are green peas with flat edible pods.

81 – Swordfish:

Swordfish is a marine food-fish with a long sword-like upper jaw.

82 – Soup:

Soup is a liquid food that contains pieces of solid food.

83 – Soy:

Soy is a source of oil that is also used as a food.

84 – Soya bean (Soybean):

The soybean, or soya bean, is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean, which has numerous uses.

85 – Soymilk:

Soymilk is a substitute of milk that contains water and soybean flour.

86 – Spaghetti:

Spaghetti is a pasta in the form of long strings.

87 – Spice:

Spices are pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring.

88 – Spinach:

Spinach are dark green leaves that are eaten raw (in salad) or cooked.

89 – Squash:

Squash is an edible fruit of squash plant that is eaten as a vegetable.

90 – Steak:

Steak is a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of fish or animal.

91 – Strawberry:

Strawberry is a sweet, fleshy red fruit.

It is one of most popular foods that start with S.

92 – Sugar:

Sugar is a crystalline substance used as a sweetener.

93 – Sushi:

Sushi is vinegared rice topped with raw fish.

94 – Sweet:

Sweet is a food that is rich in sugar.

95 – Soda:

Soda is a sweet drink that contains carbonated water and flavoring.

This is all there is, until now, about foods that start with S.

Do you know any other that we missed in the list? Comment below and we’ll add it.

Also, it is hard to list them all because of language and country barriers – there sure are 100s of foods that start with S but no one on the planet earth knows them all.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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