26 Foods That Start With J [Updated 2025]

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foods that start with j
It's hard to know about foods that start with J but worry not, we've researched and found about 26 of them.

This article is about foods that start with J.

If you’ve had trouble knowing foods that start with J, we did the research – worry not, the list below will have all the foods that start with J.

Also, before getting started, it is to keep in mind that the list we have below will have foods, fluids, plants, and anything edible – all of these we will be referring to as foods in this article.

We also have pages for both fruits that start with J and vegetables that start with J if that’s what you’re looking for.

With that being said, let’s get started with sharing foods beginning with J.

Foods that start with J:

foods that start with J

Following are the foods beginning with J in case you’ve had no idea and wanted to educate yourself more on foods and edibles.

1 – Jaboticaba:

Jaboticaba is a purple, tough-skinned, grape-like tropical fruit found in Brazil.

2 – Jackfruit (or Jak):

Jackfruit is an East Indian fruit that resembles breadfruit, contains nutritious seeds, and an edible pulp.

3 – Jalapeno:

Jalapeno are red or green pepper of Mexico and United States.

4 – Jam:

Jam is a term used for the preserve of crushed fruit.

5 – Jambalaya:

Jambalaya is a spicy Creole dish of ham, rice, chicken or shellfish, and sausage with tomatoes, onions, peppers, and celery.

6 – Jambon:

Jambon is a meat that is cut from the thigh of a hog.

7 – Japanese Plum:

Japanese plum is a yellow, semi-tropical fruit that is used for jellies.

8 – Java:

Java is a beverage that consists of an infusion of ground coffee beans.

9 – Jawbreaker:

Jawbreaker is a candy that is round, hard, and very large.

10 – Jelly:

Jelly is a preserve that is made from jelled juice of fruit.

It is a famous food that begins with J.

11 – Jello:

Jello is a fruit-flavored dessert that is made from gelatin powder.

12 – Jerk (or Jerky):

Jerk is a term used for the meat cut into strips and then dried in the sun.

13 – Jellyroll:

Jellyroll a thin sheet of sponge cake spread that has jelly, and is then rolled up to make a cylindrical cake.

14 – Jerusalem Artichoke:

Jerusalem artichoke is a sunflower tuber that is eaten boiled, raw, or fried as Saratoga chips.

15 – Jimmies:

Jimmies are bits of chocolate used as a topping of many edibles like ice creams.

16 – Johnnycake:

Johnnycake is a cornbread that is cooked in a pancake-style on a griddle.

17 – Jonathan:

Jonathan is a red, late-ripening apple that is primarily eaten raw.

18 – Jook:

Jook is a Chinese rice gruel that is eaten for breakfast.

19 – Jordan Almond:

Jordan almond is a type of almond that is covered with a sugar coat which is flavored, hard, and colored.

20 – Juice:

Juice is a liquid that is extracted from plants, fruits, and animal tissues by squeezing or cooking.

21 – Jujube:

Jujube is a fruit-flavored chewy, jellied candy.

22 – Julep:

Julep is a term used for sugar, bourbon, and mint over crushed ice.

23 – Julienne:

Julienne is a vegetable cut into thin strips.

24 – Jumbal:

Jumbal is a flat, small ring-shaped cookie or cake.

25 – Juneberries:

Juneberries are edible red or purple berries.

26 – Junket:

Junket is a dessert that is made of sweetened milk.

This is all there is, until now, about foods that start with J.

Do you know any other that we missed in the list? Comment below and we’ll add it.

Also, it is hard to list them all because of language and country barriers – there sure are 100s of foods that start with J but no one on the planet earth knows them all.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.

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