20 Foods That Start With U [Updated 2025]

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foods that start with u
There are many foods that start with U and here's what we found so far. List is open to contribution - you can add new ones if you want.

This article is about foods that start with U.

If you’ve had trouble knowing foods that start with U, we did the research – worry not, the list below will have all the foods (popular ones) that start with U.

Also, before getting started, it is to keep in mind that the list we have below will have foods, fluids, plants, and anything edible – all of these we will be referring to as foods in this article.

We also have pages for both fruits that start with U and vegetables that start with U if that’s what you’re looking for.

With that being said, let’s get started with sharing foods beginning with U.

20 Foods that start with U:

foods that start with U

Following are the foods beginning with U in case you’ve had no idea and wanted to educate yourself more on foods and edibles.

1 – Ube:

A species of tropical yam, ube is the very first food starting with U.

2 – Umeboshi:

Eventhough umeboshi are popular but in case you don’t know, they are pickled salt plums from Japanese cuisine.

3 – Umbrella Fruit:

A cone-shaped fruit, red in color, that comes from umbrella trees is called umbrella fruit.

Umbrella tree is a plant native to North America.

4 – Upside-down Pineapple Cake:

You might wonder why add this to the list of foods starting with U but this is because it is one of the very popular cakes out there that you can get your hands on.

It is a fresh cake made of pure pineapples.

5 – Upma:

If you love the foods and recipes of India and its states, you will love upma as well.

It is a South Indian breakfast dish.

6 – Urchins:

Seafood made from sea urchins is another food beginning with U called urchins.

7 – Unsalted Nuts:

As the name says, they are nuts but with the absence of added salt in it.

8 – Udon:

If you’ve been to Japan, you might have heard of this one.

It is a popular Japanese wheat flour noodles.

9 – Ugali:

A cornmeal porridge, ugali is a food made in Africa.

It is mainly made of cornmeal but can also be made from sorghum and millet.

10 – Uthappam:

Uthappam is yet another one of many foods that start with U.

It is a crepe made from vegetables, wheat flour, and rice, found in India.

11 – Ugli Fruit:

Ugli fruit is a Jamaican citrus fruit that is very common these days.

Its another name is Jamaican Tangelo.

12 – Unsweetened Chocolate:

Unsweetened chocolate is a type of chocolate that has no added sugars and tastes normal, not so sweet.

13 – Ubatzda:

Ubatzda is a cheese spread used on pretzels, breads, and other foods.

14 – Unpasteurized Cheese:

A soft cheese that is made of raw milk is unpasteurized cheese.

15 – U-NO Bar:

U-NO bar is a bar filled with almonds that is covered in the layer of chocolate, made by Annabelle Candy Company.

16 – Utah Scones:

Fried scones made in Utah, California is called Utah scones and are very popular in that region.

17 – Ugli Pie:

Ugli pie is a pie that is made from ugli fruit, the one we discussed earlier in this article.

This is another one of many foods that start with U.

18 – Uunijuusto:

Uunijuusto is a dish from Finland that is made from the first milk of a calved cow.

A pinch of sugar is added to the milk before it is put into oven.

19 – Ukha:

Ukha is another food beginning with U.

It a soup from Russia that has several types of fishes in it, mixed with vegetables and black pepper.

20 – Uszka:

Uszka are small dumplings filled with minced meat and/ or wild forest mushrooms.

This is all there is, until now, about foods that start with U.

Do you know of any other that we missed in the list? Comment below and we’ll add it.

Also, it is hard to list them all because of language and country barriers – there sure are 100s of foods that start with U but no one on the planet earth knows them all.

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The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself.