What to eat to decrease ESR level is another question from one of our website visitors that we are covering in this article. The importance of such a query to be answered is a lot because of what we eat nowadays leads us nowhere but unhealthiness. Same is the case with ESR levels, which show how much inflammation there is in one’s body. ESR is basically a test that tells you more about the inflammation that exists in your body.
And in case you don’t know, higher ESR level may cause you to feel pain as well along with inflammation.
With that being said, this article is about eatables that will lower the inflammation in your body and cool down your overall system.
Before starting, it is advised that if you are introducing yourself to exercising in sun, please don’t – try to exercise when it’s not much sunny outside so your overall system doesn’t heat up.
Also, keep in mind that the normal ESR levels differ from person to person due to many characteristics like age, gender etc. However, common ESR level for men is 0-22 mm/hr while 0-29 mm/hr for women.
Let’s get started with what to eat to decrease ESR levels.
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What to eat to decrease ESR levels:
The list for the eatables to reduce ESR levels goes on like:
1 – Antioxidant foods:
Antioxidant foods will be your partner in struggling to achieve normal ESR levels.
Antioxidants are compounds found both in foods and your body to help defend your cells from any damage that might be caused by free radicals, harmful molecules.
With this fact in mind, it is easier to understand why your focus towards antioxidant foods should be more.
Some of the top antioxidant foods are:
- Dark Chocolate
- Pecans
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Artichokes
- Goji Berries
- Kale
- Raspberries
- Red Cabbage
- Beans
- Spinach
- Beets
- Oranges
- Avocado
- Prunes
- Raisins
- Red Grapes
- Plum
- Cherries
- Brussels Sprout
- Alfalfa Sprout
- Broccoli Flower
- Red Bell Peppers
- Onions
- Corn
- Eggplant
- Tomatoes
- Fatty fish (with high oil content) like Salmon
- Almonds/ or walnuts
- Collards
- Gala Apple
2 – Herbs:
Another thing you’d need to look at is choosing herbs to add to your diet for a better result.
Again, just like antioxidant foods, many herbs also fight inflammation in a body so you might want to add them to your meals everytime you can.
Some of the examples of herbs that reduce inflammation are oregano, rayenne, and basil.
You can also use ginger, white willow bark, and turmeric to reduce ESR level and inflammation in your body.
Extras included in this article are:
What to drink to reduce ESR level:
Now that we’re done sharing what to eat to decrease ESR level, you might be wondering what can you drink to reduce inflammation and ESR level.
1 – Water:
Water is very first of fluids you should run for when stabilizing ESR level. Not only will it help you reduce your ESR level but also aid in processes that occur in your body throughout the day.
You should be drinking plenty of water, whenever you can – it’s healthy.
Also, you should run to grab a glass of water if you feel any of these symptoms:
- Extreme thirst
- Fatigue, dizziness, or confusion
- Less frequent urination
- Dark-colored urine
2 – Juices:
Another thing you can do is you can juice any of the juice-able foods from the list of antioxidants foods above and juice them. For instance, you can juice orange and drink that to reduce inflammation.
When to see a doctor:
You should always be in link with your doctor to guide you throughout the course of reducing your ESR level. Also, your doctor will be able to assist you with required ESR level for your body, not the usual one we mentioned above in this article.